Different ways to insert records using x++ code in D365F&O

In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365FO), you can insert records using X++ in several ways. Here are the most common methods for inserting records with examples:

1. Using insert() Method

The insert() method is used to add a new record to the database.


static void insertExample(Args _args)


    CustTable custTable;

    // Create a new record

    custTable.AccountNum = 'CUST001';

    custTable.Name = 'New Customer';

    custTable.Currency = 'USD';

    custTable.insert();  // Insert the record into the database



  • We create a new instance of the CustTable (customer table) and set its fields.
  • The insert() method is called to save the record to the database.

2. Using insert_recordset Statement

The insert_recordset statement allows you to insert multiple records at once. This is often used for batch inserts, which improves performance.


static void insertRecordsetExample(Args _args)


     CustTable custTable;

    // Using insert_recordset to insert multiple records at once

    insert_recordset custTable (AccountNum,Name, Currency)

        values ('CUST002', 'Customer 2','USD'),('CUST003', 'Customer 3','EUR');



  • insert_recordset is used to insert multiple records into the CustTable in one operation.
  • It reduces the number of database calls, making it more efficient for bulk inserts.


3. Basic Syntax to use insertRecordList

The insertRecordList method is available on the Common class, which means it can be used with any table that extends Common. It allows you to insert multiple records at once into a table, reducing the overhead of individual insert operations.

Steps to Use insertRecordList:

  1. Prepare a List of Records: Create a list of records (usually in the form of a List or Query).
  2. Populate the Records: Set the values for each record in the list.
  3. Call insertRecordList: Use the insertRecordList method to insert the batch of records.

Here’s a step-by-step example:


Using insertRecordList in X++ for CustTable

Scenario: Insert a batch of customer records into the CustTable.

static void insertRecordListExample(Args _args)


    CustTable custTable;

    List custList = new List(Types::Record);

    CustTable custRecord;

    // Create a few customer records

    custRecord = CustTable::construct(); //Create a new instance of CustTable

    custRecord.AccountNum = 'CUST009';

    custRecord.Name = 'Customer 9';

    custRecord.Currency = 'USD';

    custList.addEnd(custRecord);  // Add the record to the list

    custRecord = CustTable::construct();

    custRecord.AccountNum = 'CUST010';

    custRecord.Name = 'Customer 10';

    custRecord.Currency = 'EUR';

    custList.addEnd(custRecord);  // Add the record to the list

    custRecord = CustTable::construct();

    custRecord.AccountNum = 'CUST011';

    custRecord.Name = 'Customer 11';

    custRecord.Currency = 'GBP';

    custList.addEnd(custRecord);  // Add the record to the list

    // Insert all records at once

    ttsBegin; // Begin the transaction

    custTable.insertRecordList(custList); //Insert the list of records

    ttsCommit; // Commit the transaction



  1. Creating and Populating the Records:
    • We create instances of CustTable using CustTable::construct().
    • For each customer record, we set the necessary fields (AccountNum, Name, Currency).
    • We then add each record to a list (custList) using addEnd() method.
  2. Inserting the Records:
    • We start a transaction using ttsBegin and ensure all records are inserted as part of the same transaction.
    • The insertRecordList(custList) method is called on the CustTable instance to insert the entire list of records into the database.
  3. Committing the Transaction:
    • Finally, ttsCommit commits the transaction, ensuring that all records are inserted at once.

Performance Considerations:

  • Efficiency: The insertRecordList method is significantly more efficient than inserting records one by one, as it reduces the overhead of multiple database round trips.
  • Transaction Control: It's important to use ttsBegin and ttsCommit to ensure that all insert operations are performed as part of a single transaction.


  • Ensure that the records in the list are properly populated before calling insertRecordList.
  • You can insert records into any table type that extends Common, not just CustTable.

4.Insert Records using Query::insert_recordset()

  • As you can see, the first part of the below code builds a query using the QueryBuild* class hierarchy.
  • The second part populates the target to source Map object, which maps the fields to insert into to their source.
  • The third part actually invokes the operation, making sure we have the record populated in our "tmp" table beforehand.

public class DEV_Tutorial_InsertRecordset


    public static Counter insertQueryInsert_Recordset(SalesId _salesId)


       DEV_SalesLineHistory    salesLineHistory;

       Query query = new Query();

       QueryBuildDataSource qbdsSalesLine = query.addDataSource(tableNum(SalesLine));


       qbdsSalesLine.addSelectionField(fieldNum(SalesLine, LineNum));      

       qbdsSalesLine.addSelectionField(fieldNum(SalesLine, InventTransId));

       qbdsSalesLine.addSelectionField(fieldNum(SalesLine, SalesQty));



       QueryBuildDataSource qbdsInventDim = qbdsSalesLine.addDataSource(tableNum(InventDim));


       qbdsInventDim.addSelectionField(fieldNum(InventDim, InventSiteId));


       QueryBuildDataSource qbdsPostingData =         qbdsInventDim.addDataSource(tableNum(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp));

       qbdsPostingData.addLink(fieldNum(SalesLine, SalesId),         fieldNum(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp, SalesId), qbdsSalesLine.name());



        qbdsPostingData.addSelectionField(fieldNum(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp, PostedBy));

        qbdsPostingData.addSelectionField(fieldNum(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp, PostingType));

        Map targetToSourceMap = new

Map(Types::String, Types::Container);      

targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, SalesId),[qbdsSalesLine.uniqueId(), fieldStr(SalesLine, SalesId)]);

        targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, LineNum),           [qbdsSalesLine.uniqueId(), fieldStr(SalesLine, LineNum)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, InventTransId),     [qbdsSalesLine.uniqueId(), fieldStr(SalesLine, InventTransId)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, SalesQty),[qbdsSalesLine.uniqueId(), fieldStr(SalesLine, SalesQty)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, SalesUnit),[qbdsSalesLine.uniqueId(), fieldStr(SalesLine, SalesUnit)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, InventLocationId),  [qbdsInventDim.uniqueId(), fieldStr(InventDim, InventLocationId)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, InventSiteId),[qbdsInventDim.uniqueId(), fieldStr(InventDim, InventSiteId)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, PostedDateTime),    [qbdsPostingData.uniqueId(), fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp, PostedDateTime)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, PostedBy),[qbdsPostingData.uniqueId(), fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp, PostedBy)]);


targetToSourceMap.insert(fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistory, PostingType),       [qbdsPostingData.uniqueId(), fieldStr(DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp, PostingType)]);


        DEV_SalesLineHistoryPostingDataTmp postingData;

        postingData.PostedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::utcNow();

        postingData.PostedBy = curUserId();

        postingData.PostingType = DocumentStatus::Invoice;

        postingData.SalesId = _salesId;


Query::insert_recordset(salesLineHistory, targetToSourceMap, query);

        delete_from postingData

            where postingData.SalesId == _salesId;


        return any2int(salesLineHistory.RowCount());





  • insert() Used for inserting a single record.
  • insert_recordset: Efficient for inserting multiple records at once.
  • InsertRecordList: Efficient for inserting multiple records at once.
  • Query::insert_recordset(): Efficient for inserting multiple records at once using query.
These methods can be selected based on the context, number of records to be inserted, and performance considerations.


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